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As an Isle of Palms Resident and involved citizen of 34 years, I wholeheartedly endorse Scott Pierce in his re-election run for our City Council.


Scott’s exceptional leadership qualities are evident at every City Council Meeting and Workshop.  He noticeably prepares in advance by thoroughly researching all issues. His solutions to island concerns are not only clear and fact-based but also frequently showcase his innovative thinking. Even in the midst of heightened discussions, he always remains composed, respectful and attentive to both fellow council members and citizens.  His presence on the City Council is vital to the smooth operation of our City Government.


Scott’s commitment to responsiveness, transparency and active community engagement is unwavering. When I, or anyone I know, expresses views at meetings or through letters and email, he always extends a direct and thoughtful response or query for more information.  He clearly listens and cares about the concerns of Island residents.


Throughout discussions on topics such as livability, short term rentals and day visitors, Scott demonstrates a commendable capacity to understand the concerns and varying perspectives of island residents.  His initial proposal for a Short-Term Rental solution illustrated his intellect and creativity, as he deftly formulated an approach that addressed the needs of both our residents and local businesses.


Beyond his council duties, I’ve also had the privilege of knowing Scott through his passionate involvement with the Exchange Club. His actions echo his beliefs as he works to meet community needs. His founding role in the LENS program (Law Enforcement Neighborhood Support) serves as a prime example of his genuine heartfelt dedication to supporting our community.


Please join me in making sure that our City Council is a governing body that first and foremost represents island residents.  Vote for Scott Pierce on November 7. 

Christine Donovan

Ever since I first met Scott Pierce, I have been impressed with how much he cares about our quality of life on the Isle of Palms. He has an amazing amount of experience in working on issues pertaining to our city. I doubt if there are any other candidates who are as qualified as Scott.

While serving on the Planning Commission, he worked on drainage projects and the Isle of Palms Comprehensive Plan. He established the technology application, method and first actual count (at request of Council) of island wide home inventory and short term rental rooms, marrying City, County, and advertised information in 2021. This is now the basis for the current reporting. He also worked on parking plan updates.

After joining City Council, his work has included marina issues, beach restoration, support of environmental concerns, ATAX committee efforts and the five ordinances to curb further development. He defended Home Rule in Columbia supporting Joe Bustos by testifying in public hearings. He advocated for hiring a Short Term Rental coordinator and the local EMS addition. His work on Connector solutions and again the parking plan update are ongoing.

Scott is about the only City Council member who has ever called and emailed me on a regular basis to let me know about things that I would be concerned about, not only in neighborhood issues, but also things that mean a lot to me regarding the environment and sea turtles. He has always advocated for more citizen involvement and participation in our city government.

For these reasons I cannot think of anyone who is more qualified to be on our City Council and will be voting for Scott Pierce in the November election.

Mary Pringle

Scott Pierce has my full support and endorsement in his run for city council.  He has proven that his levelheaded thinking and leadership have been instrumental in addressing Isle of Palms needs.  Scott is the type of person that we want representing the residents needs and concerns.  His dedication to the people of Isle of Palms is evident in his voting record and hard work on our behalf.  We are fortunate to have him as a current council member and glad he has chosen to run for a full term.  I will be voting for Scott in November.

Vince DiGangi

My wife Ricia and I wholeheartedly endorse Scott Pierce for re-election to the Isle of Palms City Council.


Scott is far and away one of the best city council representatives we had had here in our 17 years as residents on Isle of Palms. Scott is intelligent, creative, always extremely prepared and above all honest. He is calm, articulate and unafraid to challenge false narratives. He understands the many complex issues facing our wonderful community and represents all the residents well. Just as important, Scott's actions reflect his promises.


We trust him and hope you will support his re-election bid as we do.

Rick & Ricia Horton

It is my pleasure to endorse Scott Pierce for a second term serving on the Isle of Palms, City Council.  Scott has been a voice of reason.  He drafted a proposal for short term rental regulation, which would not have taken away any rental licenses, but would have maintained our current balance of residents to renters.  His proposal was the basis for our recent petition and the referendum which will be on the November ballot. 

Scott has served on the IOP Planning Commission, and is well aware of the issues which face our residents.  His prior work experience is extensive.  He listens to his constituents and represents their interests. Let’s give Scott a second term, so that we can preserve the residential quality of this island.

Georgia Roane


I had the privilege of serving with Scott Pierce on the Planning Commission, though it was only for a few months before he chose to campaign for a position on the town council. As a commissioner, Scott displayed a resolute determination to address challenging issues, all the while striving to enhance our community.

In his current role as an Isle of Palms Town Councilman, Scott continues to demonstrate the same unwavering tenacity and dedication to our community that he exhibited on the Planning Commission.


He consistently goes beyond the call of duty to explore novel ideas and diverse viewpoints. He meticulously weighs the available alternatives, considers potential outcomes, and formulates well-reasoned positions. Scott remains approachable, actively engaged, and genuinely devoted to effective governance for the well-being of our residents.

Please vote to re-elect  Scott Pierce for IOP City Council on November 7th.

Sue Nagelski

Isle of Palms Planning Commission

I am a full-time resident of Isle of Palms, and I am writing to endorse Scott Pierce for a full term on the IOP City Council.

I voted for Scott in last year’s election because of his clear, concise approach to try to solve issues facing my island home.  I also voted for him because of his concern for resident quality of life.  Scott lived up to his promises during this past year on Council, and remained a solid, sane voice of reason during the debate on changes to the Wild Dunes property ordinances, the business short term rental cap petition, and the beach re-nourishment project near Breach Inlet.

We need leaders on the Isle of Palms City Council that will stand behind their promises to their constituents, and not offer hollow words that they will not live up to.  Scott has proven over the past year that he will work for us, and I will be voting for him to retain his seat on Council for another 4 years.

Laura Lovins

Scott Pierce has been an asset on City Council since he filled a vacant seat two years ago. He has proved to be a forward-thinking member who puts community first. The best City Council includes a variety of skill-sets that enhance our ability to deliberate wisely and Scott brings a unique data-driven and collaborative approach to our problem-solving. For meetings he is prepared and often does a deep dive on particularly complex issues to thoroughly understand the details. I heartily endorse Scott Pierce for City Council.

Jan Anderson

Isle of Palms City Council

I would like to share why I support Scott Pierce for another term as Isle of Palms city council member-


Since being elected to city council almost 2 years ago, I’ve found Scott to be a principled, pragmatic and values driven leader who has acted exactly as he represented himself during his initial successful run for city council.  


Scott has demonstrated that he sincerely cares about the future of IOP remaining a community where year round, full time residents (families, parents, children, retirees and those who live and work in the greater Charleston area) can find the solitude, support and safety that everyone looks for in a community that they call “home”. 


 However, at the same time, he recognizes the complexity of IOP also being a desired destination for vacationers and greater Charleston area residents who are also important economic contributors.  


Scott’s ability to see both sides of an issue with clear eyes without personal bias or conflicts is what gives me confidence that he’ll do what’s best not only for IOP’s current residents but also it’s future residents.


I appreciate the respect and civility Scott has shown to both his fellow council members and the residents of Isle of Palms during his time on IOP city council- this is the reputation that best represents the residents of IOP and what residents deserve from all council members.   

Thank you Scott for serving our community.

Dennis Berger

I have known Scott Pierce personally for but a relatively short time, perhaps 3 years. I met him, before he became a Councilman, in a social setting, but even then I was impressed by his concern for community, his neighbors, and for the resources and blessings we share as residents on the Isle of Palms.


In the years since, I have come to know that my initial impressions were accurate but understated. He is perceptive and passionate about our community. He is a patient and attentive listener to those who agree and more important to those who disagree. He is bright and a remarkably clear thinker and quick study.


His approach is solution based and data driven. He is tireless in his efforts to do what needs to be done, and what is in the best interest our community and our island.


Most important, he is honest, responsible, and dependable. He doesn’t promise what he can’t deliver, but what he does promise, you can take to the bank.


His time on City Council, often as a member of the minority on highly contentious issues, has been brief, but productive and notable. He has been a vocal and reliable advocate for those that call IOP home, but is always mindful and considerate of the needs and wants of all who work and play here as well.


Thankfully, Scott has decided to seek a full term on the IOP City Council. He deserves to be elected by acclimation, but your vote for Scott Pierce on or before November 7th, will have to suffice.

Leslie Kutcher

I am strongly endorsing Scott Pierce’s reelection for Isle of Palms City Council.  I currently serve with Scott on Council, and he has consistently lived up to his commitment to be an advocate for residents' quality of life in the face of explosive growth in our surrounding area. 


He is smart, analytical and always well prepared to offer common sense solutions.  Scott has a very collaborative style and listens to his constituents to ensure he hears all sides of the issues.  Scott’s voice for residents reaches beyond our city, as he frequently visits key representatives at the state level to fight for the Isle of Palms.  


More than anything, Scott is a man with high integrity and ethics.  He contributes to our community in many ways, including his participation with the Exchange Club, the newly formed Law Enforcement Neighborhood Support, as well as supporting several other groups.

This city needs Scott Pierce for another 4 years. Please join me in voting for Scott on November 7th

John Bogosian

Isle of Palms City Council

It's my great joy to once again endorse Scott Pierce for election to city council. As a third-generation resident raising a young family out here, I don't think there's another candidate more capable of preserving our paradise for generations to come.


Whereas I previously endorsed him based on his experience on the planning commission, I have watched him exceed expectations while on Council. Scott has a long list of traits that make him an incredible representative for the island, but most of all, I know he is working for the best interest of those of us who plan to live and work here for many years to come.


He understands the long-term implications of decisions made (or not made) today. And, recognizing that we're voting on someone to handle issues known and unknown, I can trust him to take an objective, data-driven approach to understanding anything that arises in the future. Please join me in voting for Scott Pierce this November. 

John Moye

Former Isle of Palms City Council

We both strongly endorse Scott Pierce for re-election to City Council.  Since winning the Special Election two years ago Scott has done an outstanding job helping to bring clarity and direction to the many complex issues that face our community.  Scott demonstrates an ability to cut through all the noise and obfuscation with a calm, clear and fair demeanor.  Scott masters the facts and then goes where the evidence leads.  Scott respects the opinions of all members of our community while staying true to the promise to protect and preserve the residential nature of our island. We need him back on City Council for a full four year term.

Jeff Simon
Fomer City Councilman
Kelly Messier

A Council Member in whom you can be PROUD.

As an incumbent, Scott’s voting record, professional background, support of policies residents deem important, and attention to fiscal responsibilities are all public knowledge. Therefore, I will not reiterate the already recorded success of his tenure.


What I want to share are the unrecorded attributes you get when you vote for Scott.


Scott has a strong moral compass which directs him in and out of Council chambers.

Scott is honest, He says what he means and follows it up with appropriate actions.

Scott is authentic. Whether on the beach, in a restaurant, at Harris Teeter, in a committee meeting, or in Council chambers Scott is always Scott. No pretense.


Scott is loyal. He loves the island and her residents and gives back in any way he can.

Scott loves his family, both his personal family and his island family of residents and friends.


So, when you vote for Scott you not only get a Council Member who will serve you well, but you get a Council Member in whom you can be PROUD, I know I am.

Sandy Ferencz 

Former IOP City Council Member

I fully endorse Scott Pierce’s candidacy for reelection to the Isle of Palms City Council.

Scott has demonstrated a consistent concern and voting record in favor of a “residents first” agenda.

I have worked with Scott on several issues and found him to be a provider of solutions to concerns relevant to residents.

I believe Scott’s reelection to the City Council is vital to the island.

Ray Burns

Chairman, IOP Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee

I was very thankful to hear that Scott is throwing his hat back in the ring! His sense of fair play and his exceptional grasp of practical solutions, as issues are presented to the Council, have been an asset to IOP. He seems to lead with facts and not emotions in such a pleasant and diplomatic way.


Scott has my vote in November and I don’t doubt that most of the residents of IOP think the same way.

Rebecca Drdak Kovalich 

The Isle of Palm residents are certainly lucky that Scott Pierce was elected to take over the mayor’s city council term this last election.  He knows what the job entails and has made substantial contributions to the council that reflects what he promised his constituents. 

Scott is totally transparent, so we, as voters, know that he will continue to do what he promises. He understands the critical island issues beyond the surface because he spends endless time researching, talking with other leaders on this island as well as other barrier islands, he travels to Columbia to discuss pertinent issues with the state government, and he spends endless hours talking with those he represents, and perhaps just as important, he has common sense.

Since the city governments are businesses, his extensive public finance experience means that he also brings expert skills to public budgeting. He digs into the details and understands financial implications and thus, he tries to ensure that the island’s money is spent wisely so that we get maximum clout.


Scott is a class act and has been tirelessly committed to public service via his philanthropic and volunteer work; among other things, he is involved with the Exchange Club, VFW, and the LENS organization, and is a volunteer for the neighborhood sweeps as well.


It takes a special person be a “giver” rather than a “taker,” and Scott Pierce is just that special person; he is a focused, dedicated person and has a track record that has proven this dedication to all residents of this island.


The council has to look ahead to the future with the issues that are forth coming and be prepared to lead us; we can’t depend on what we have done in the past, but need to understand the consequences the whole island faces if we make the wrong decisions. A vote for Scott Pierce is a vote for our beloved IOP.

Steve & Carly David

I support Scott Pierce for reelection to the IOP City Council. Scott’s business acumen translates perfectly for the job of running Isle of Palms’ complex city government, including skills in strategic planning, analysis, finance, operations, and ongoing performance measurement. Isle of Palms needs that expertise.


More importantly, Scott is a good listener. He can take varied input of needs and wants, boil it down to its essence and create a vision and plan that’s executable to get the desired results.


Finally, Scott is transparent and has no hidden agenda. He expresses his beliefs and has the integrity to follow through on his promises. Scott has stated repeatedly that the island needs proper balance between residential quality of life and the investment community. I believe Scott will help us maintain that balance and I urge you to vote to reelect him to the IOP City Council.

Jim Smitherman

We endorse Scott Pierce because we trust him to look at any and all situations that come before Council with an analytical mind and a desire to protect the rights of the homeowners and their quality of life. He has proven in the past two years that he will arrive at the meetings well prepared and informed and does not blow with the wind of social media or political pressure.

Stan & Susan Harris

I whole heartedly support Scott Pierce. From the first time I met him when I was deciding if I wanted to run for City Council I knew he was the type of person we need on Council. Over the past two years I have gotten to know Scott and my respect for him has grown more and more. 


Scott has a great analytical mind. He loves facts and numbers and he is willing to put in the time and effort to understand the meaning behind the numbers. He is also reasonable and open minded. While he has strong opinions he is not afraid to look at the issues from all sides and compromise when it is in the best interest of the city. 


Over the past two years and before that when he was on the planning commission Scott has worked tirelessly for the residents of IOP. I am so grateful for the time we have worked together on City Council and I look forward to working with him for many more years to come. 

Katie Miars

Isle of Palms City Council

A year and a half ago, I enthusiastically wrote a letter to The Island Eye News and to all my personal IOP voter friends supporting Scott Pierce for Council.  He was the right choice then and I believe even more so now.

To review some of Scott’s efforts prior to Council while on the Planning Commission, he: 

  • Advocated for the drainage projects on 30th and 36th streets as well as pursuing an RFP for a drainage plan for the remainder of the Island

  • Co-authored the IOP Comprehensive 5 Year Plan update

  • Conducted basic research for STR analysis, including developing an application to track actual counts of inventory and licenses

  • Defended the 2015 Parking Plan that included Palm Blvd. and the neighborhoods

For the past 15 months on Council, Scott:

  • Spearheaded (with 2 Committee members) the replacement of IOP General Counsel

  • Identified the need and assigned to develop a general IOP policy for Beach Erosion island-wide, especially for emergency situations

  • Worked with IOP’s Columbia lobbyists and legislators to address how ATAX monies can best support IOP, by use of a percentage or dollar cap to allow funds for other needed infrastructure projects

  • Defended Home Rule in Columbia with Joe Bustos

  • Recommended a balanced cap on STRs (1/3-1/3-1/3)

  • Championed for hiring a STR coordinator and supported hiring of local EMS professionals

  • Supported Plan 5 for the Connector, 2 exit lanes, widening Mt. Pleasant side and reworking the signal at Rifle Range

  • Continues to research Grant Money available for IOP, a lost art

  • Provides to the residents IOP information that’s relevant, fair, and accurate


Scott’s achievements are many and important to our quality of life on the Island.  He listens, evaluates, and acts with our collective best interests at heart.  He is energized for another term, and we will all be the beneficiaries of his effort.

Please vote with me on November 7th for Scott Pierce.

John Cipkala

Scott is intelligent, of exemplary character and morality, and extremely well versed and prepared on all Council issues. He is committed to achieve results sought by his constituents, all the while keeping the best interests of the Isle of Palms at the forefront. Scott is data driven and outcomes focused as evidenced by his voting record during this current term. We strongly endorse Scott Pierce for City Council.

Tom & Diane Schmidt

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